Online Trading Websites Like Alibaba

Setiap sekarang dan kemudian pasar B2B online datang untuk menyediakan hampir semua hal yang berkaitan dengan industri apa pun. Mereka menghubungkan penjual dan pembeli dari setiap bagian dunia dan memberi mereka kesempatan untuk meningkatkan bisnis mereka. Beberapa nama populer telah dibahas di bawah ini: 1 Alibaba 77 Ini adalah salah satu situs B2B terpopuler dan memiliki lebih dari 80 juta pengguna terdaftar. Situs ini membawa banyak eksportir dan importir bersama melalui satu platform. Ini juga telah mengembangkan pasar khusus China untuk perdagangan di China. Apalagi membuat perdagangan lebih mudah bagi pedagang kecil dan juga memiliki layanan escrow untuk penggunanya. 2 Indiamart 1000 Ini adalah pasar B2B terbesar di India yang menghubungkan eksportir dan importir dari berbagai belahan dunia. Menurut perkiraan Indiamart mendapat lebih dari 1,6 juta kunjungan harian dan sekitar 9 juta tampilan halaman per hari. Situs ini mengunggah informasi tentang berbagai kontrak dan tender yang terutama mencakup kontrak Pemerintah. 3 Made-in-China 1331 Situs B2B ini telah dikembangkan untuk memberikan informasi tentang semua pemasok China. Ini diperbarui secara teratur dan berisi informasi terbaru tentang pemasok China berkualitas yang ada di web. Ini telah membantu banyak pemasok China tumbuh dan memenuhi kebutuhan orang-orang yang berbeda di berbagai belahan dunia. 4 EC21 2580 Ini bisa dibilang salah satu pasar online B2B terbesar yang menghubungkan sejumlah besar pembeli dan pemasok di seluruh dunia. Perusahaan kecil dan menengah bisa menemukan peluang trading yang bagus disini. Ini dimulai pada tahun 1997 dan memiliki sekitar 3,5 juta pengunjung setiap bulannya. 5 Tradeindia 3968 Situs ini menyediakan platform yang solid bagi penjual, pembeli dan produsen di seluruh India. Ada sekitar 1841 kategori produk yang berbeda yang tersedia di situs beserta subkelompoknya. Saat ini jumlah pengguna terdaftar telah mencapai 2.203.689 dan pasti tak tertandingi dalam promosi online dan akuisisi data. 6 ECPlaza 4974 Ini adalah pasar terkemuka yang berisi informasi berbasis daerah tentang pembeli, penjual, produsen, dan lain-lain. Produk ini berbeda dengan yang tercantum di situs yang berkisar dari produk pertanian, peralatan listrik, perabotan, hadiah, dan hampir semua yang akan dilakukan. Tertarik pada. Situs B2B ini juga memiliki platform khusus untuk pedagang Korea, Cina, dan Jepang. 7 Menutup 5075 Ini adalah lingkaran perdagangan dimana penjual yang berbeda terhubung di sekitar satu pembeli. Yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah membuat lingkaran perdagangan atau Toocle Anda dan setelah memulai pembelian, bandingkan dengan harga yang ditawarkan oleh pedagang yang berbeda. Ada lebih dari 100.000 pembeli global yang terdaftar di situs ini dengan pemasok dari berbagai belahan dunia bergabung dengan Toocle mereka. 8 GlobalSources 5269 Sumber Global dianggap sebagai penyelenggara utama perdagangan dengan Greater China. Ada sekitar 1,8 juta pembeli internasional bersama dengan sejumlah besar peritel ternama dari dunia. Perusahaan ini tercatat di NADAQ sejak tahun 2000 dan menawarkan berbagai layanan untuk meningkatkan penjualan, mendapatkan pesanan dari pembeli dan membangun citra perusahaan. 9 HKTDC 5703 HKTDC menawarkan berbagai layanan yang menghubungkan ribuan bisnis internasional bersama-sama. Layanan yang ditawarkan oleh HKTDC mencakup pameran kelas dunia dan konferensi, pasar online, layanan yang sesuai dengan bisnis, majalah produk, berita bisnis tepat waktu, informasi perdagangan, seminar dan lokakarya. Semua layanan yang ditawarkan dapat digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis Anda secara efektif. 10 DIYTrade 6163 Diluncurkan pada tahun 1999 dengan nama eBigChina dan diganti namanya pada tahun 2006, ini dianggap sebagai salah satu platform perdagangan terbaik dengan jumlah yang mengejutkan lebih dari lima juta produk. Ini menawarkan berbagai macam produk yang tersedia dalam kategori yang berbeda dan tujuan perusahaan mereka adalah mengintegrasikan e-niaga dengan aktivitas bisnis sehari-hari mereka. 11 Thomas Net 6811 Situs situs AS yang didedikasikan untuk menemukan produsen, distributor, dan produsen khusus yang memenuhi syarat. Mereka memiliki banyak daftar produk dari 30.000 pemasok yang menampilkan lebih dari 100 juta produk di situs ini. Kompilasi 7405 Ada lebih dari tiga juta perusahaan domestik dan internasional yang terdaftar di Kompass. Database komprehensif Kompass menghubungkan penjual dan pembeli yang berbeda dari seluruh dunia. Yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah menempatkan kebutuhan Anda di bidang tertentu dan mencari pemasok paling tepat pilihan Anda. 13 GlobalMarket 10595 GlobalMarket adalah salah satu penyedia layanan e-commerce dan B2B teratas yang menghubungkan berbagai produsen kualitas terbaik di China hingga pembeli dari seluruh dunia. Ada lebih dari 900.000 pembeli terdaftar di GlobalMarket dengan berbagai solusi sumber dan layanan pembelian yang siap memberi Anda keunggulan untuk memperbaiki bisnis Anda. 14 Eksportir Eksportir 11947 EksportirIndia adalah tempat di mana orang dapat menemukan banyak pemasok grosir, produsen, penyedia layanan, eksportir, importir dari India. Ini dimulai pada tahun 1997 dan menawarkan eksposur yang dibutuhkan di pasar global saat ini untuk membangun bisnis Anda. 15 Exportpages 14694 Exportpages didirikan pada tahun 2000 di Jerman dan sejak saat itu telah berkembang sebagai salah satu pameran ekspor online top dunia. Ada banyak kategori yang tersedia di mana Anda dapat memilih perusahaan pilihan Anda. Bagi profesional bisnis, pengusaha, dan manajer Exportpages adalah tempat terbaik untuk mengembangkan kemitraan dalam bisnis internasional. 16 Fibre2Fashion 15618 Fibre2Fashion adalah pasar B2B untuk aktivitas perdagangan terkait tekstil. Situs ini online sejak tahun 2000 dan menawarkan platform untuk pembeli dan penjual untuk terhubung dengan penjualan Apparel, Fabric, Fiber, Benang, Perlengkapan, Aksesori Mode dan banyak lagi. Pengguna juga dapat mengajukan prospek pembelian dan prospek penjualan. 17 Toboc 29674 Menawarkan perusahaan berukuran sedang dan kecil dengan sumber online yang luas. Terlepas dari lokasi bisnis Anda, Anda dapat mencari dan menemukan mitra bisnis terpercaya melalui Toboc. Database penjual, pembeli, pialang, penyedia layanan, dan pengangkutnya yang berkembang menyediakan peserta perdagangan internasional dengan semua sumber daya yang dibutuhkan untuk membangun bisnis mereka. 18 TTNET 30467 Dengan platform e-commerce kelas atas, TTNET adalah salah satu penyedia layanan B2B terkemuka di Taiwan yang menghubungkan pembeli global dengan pemasoknya. Selain itu juga memberikan informasi media dan berita bisnis yang terkait dengan pemasok di Hong Kong, China Daratan, Taiwan dan Makau. 19 TaiwanTrade 31024 Bisnis berukuran menengah dan kecil dapat segera terpapar aktivitas e-commerce melalui TaiwanTrade dan mendapatkan keunggulan atas pesaing mereka. Fitur dari TaiwanTrade mencakup mesin pencari yang akurat dan efisien, layanan yang disesuaikan, pemasaran online yang efektif, database nilai tambah, portal perusahaan dan sistem RFQ yang mudah digunakan. 20 TradeKey 34982 Ini adalah salah satu pasar B2B dengan pertumbuhan tercepat yang menghubungkan bisnis berukuran sedang dan kecil di seluruh dunia. Didirikan pada tahun 2005, perusahaan ini memiliki sekitar 5,7 juta bisnis dengan 9,5 juta penjual dan pembeli berkunjung setiap bulannya. Ini adalah platform yang melaluinya usaha kecil dapat memasarkan produk mereka dan memenuhi kebutuhan pembelian mereka. 21 BusyTrade 39977 BusyTrade adalah salah satu platform perdagangan online pertama yang ditampilkan di wilayah China yang lebih besar yang didirikan pada tahun 1999. Sekitar dua puluh delapan industri yang berbeda dicakup oleh BusyTrade dengan sekitar sepuluh juta informasi perdagangan. Saat ini ada sekitar 1,5 juta pengguna terdaftar dengan BustTrade dimana 320.000 berasal dari luar China yang lebih besar. 22 Top Ten Wholesale 45437 Bagian dari JP Communications Inc, platform untuk mengumpulkan pembeli, reseller, dropshippers, produsen dan pemasok. Ini memiliki lebih dari 100 kategori dan menghubungkan sekitar 3300 pemasok. Mereka juga menawarkan alat seperti obrolan dagang tempat pembeli dan penjual dapat membuat sesi obrolan. 23 eSources UK 45863 eSources adalah pasar grosir dan B2B terkemuka di Inggris sejak tahun 2005. Menawarkan direktori terverifikasi dari berbagai dropshippers, pedagang besar, produsen dan timah perdagangan. Mereka memiliki sebuah program bernama TradePass untuk pemasok yang diverifikasi untuk membangun kepercayaan. ESources juga menerima pembeli dan penjual internasional. 24 Mercatrade 130808 Situs ini memberikan komitmen total dan total kepada pengguna dan anggotanya dengan terus menawarkannya dengan kombinasi sempurna antara alat sumber, pemasaran dan penjualan. Melayani bisnis di seluruh Amerika Latin, ini adalah salah satu situs terbesar di wilayah ini. 25 B2Brazil 174608 B2Brazil adalah direktori online berbasis Brasil dan pasar untuk transaksi B2B dengan Brasil, mempromosikan perusahaan secara global dan di Brasil. Pasar berbahasa Inggris yang mempromosikan perusahaan Brasil dapat ditemukan di B2Brazil sementara pasar bahasa Portugis yang mempromosikan perusahaan non-Brasil dapat ditemukan di B2Brazil. br. Ada sejumlah layanan B2B online yang diperdagangkan pada segala hal dari berbagai penjuru dunia. Ada berbagai perusahaan yang dapat menawarkan kesempatan bagus untuk mempopulerkan bisnis Anda dan mendapatkan keunggulan atas pesaing Anda. 2 Responses 8230 pengalaman dengan harga bahkan untuk pesanan sesedikit satu item. Situs ini merupakan bagian dari pasar B2B terkemuka China Alibaba. Situs tersebut mengklaim memiliki hampir 6000 produk di 44 kategori yang berbeda. Ini juga 8230 8230 tentang B2B dapat ditemukan di sini dan 8230Top 10 Penipuan di Alibaba Setiap email kedua yang saya terima dari pembaca blog saya adalah tentang penipuan Alibaba. Hal ini serius, ya. Saya sudah membangkang mitos bahwa Alibaba sendiri adalah penipuan dalam artikel Alibaba Scams EXPOSED TETAPI hari ini saya ingin berbicara secara khusus tentang trik dan skema scammer yang paling umum yang dapat Anda hadapi saat mencari pemasok di Alibaba. Ingat, ini tidak berlaku hanya untuk Alibaba tetapi untuk semua platform B2B populer yang melibatkan sejumlah besar pemasok grosir dari Cina. Tapi karena Alibaba adalah platform yang paling populer, saya akan menggunakan contoh dari sana. Jadi, mari kita mulai Alibaba SCAM Nr.1 ​​8211 Mengirimkan barang bermerek palsu Ini tanpa keraguan merupakan penipuan paling populer yang sedang berlangsung di Alibaba Yang paling menyedihkan adalah kebanyakan orang yang mendapatkan barang palsu dari pemasok China bahkan tidak menyadarinya sampai eBay mencatat Daftar mereka beberapa saat kemudian. Bagaimana cara kerja scam ini Pada dasarnya pemasok akan menjual barang bermerek yang hanya merupakan tiruan produk nyata. Ini biasanya melibatkan produk seperti: Pakaian (pakaian desainer) Alas kaki (terutama produk Nike, Timberland) Elektronik (replika ponsel, barang elektronik khusus seperti mikrofon Shure) Item karakter Disney (set tempat tidur, mug, pakaian anak-anak, mainan) Kasus ponsel dengan Apple , Logo Samsung Sports, kaus kaki dengan logo tim (tim Manchester United, Arsenal, tim NBANHL dll.) DVD, Software, Blu-ray, Program pelatihan kebugaran (P90X dll.) Kosmetik, wewangian (faktor Max, MAC, Dior dll.) Dan banyak Lain-lain Ini pada dasarnya dapat menjadi produk APAPUN dengan merek dagang merek terkenal di Namelogoregister di atasnya. Cara menghindari penipuan ini SEDERHANA 8211 JANGAN MEMBELI BARANG BRANDED dari pemasok Alibaba SETIAP pemasok China dalam hal ini Apa itu produk bermerek It8217s merupakan produk dengan nama terkenal di dalamnya, seperti: Ini juga termasuk jenis band, karakter film Atau karakter anak-anak seperti: Semua ini juga digolongkan sebagai barang bermerek untuk memproduksi barang semacam itu, Anda harus membeli LISENSI dari pemegang Kekayaan Intelektual (IP) dan membayar royalti. Produsen China yang menjual produk tersebut di Alibaba HAVEN8217T membayar biaya lisensi dan cukup menggunakan gambar populer yang dapat mereka temukan dan memasukkannya ke produk ini. Ini bukan barang asli dan berlisensi dan Anda bisa mendapat masalah serius saat menjualnya secara online. Meskipun benar bahwa kebanyakan produk akhir-akhir ini diproduksi di China, DOESN8217T berarti pabrik-pabrik China menjualnya secara langsung ke semua orang melalui Alibaba dan platform serupa. Jauh dari itu Pemilik merek memantau keseluruhan proses pembuatannya dengan sangat ketat dan mereka tidak membiarkan produk mereka dijual di luar saluran distribusi mereka sendiri. Barang bermerek asli di China sebenarnya lebih mahal daripada di sini di dunia Barat karena tingginya pajak yang diterapkan pemerintah China (untuk mendukung bisnis lokal). Jadi bertentangan dengan kepercayaan populer, iPhone sebenarnya harganya jauh lebih banyak di China daripada di Inggris atau AS. Hanya untuk memperjelas, oleh China maksud saya China Daratan dan saya tidak mengacu pada pemasok yang berbasis di Hong Kong di sini. Ya, di HK Anda bisa mendapatkan barang bermerek asli NAMUN Anda masih harus sangat berhati-hati karena ada juga banyak jenis penipuan yang terkait dengan pemasok berbasis HK, yang akan kami bahas nanti di pos ini. Jadi jika Anda mencari-cari barang bermerek APAPUN, Alibaba BUKAN tempat yang Anda inginkan. Anda ingin mencari distributor resmi resmi AS, Inggris atau UE untuk barang-barang semacam itu, BUKAN China. Satu-satunya pengecualian terhadap peraturan ini adalah JIKA merek itu sendiri adalah merek China. Ada beberapa kelompok produk dimana merek China benar-benar memimpin pasar, misalnya rokok elektronik. Di ceruk seperti ini, iya, Anda bisa mendapatkan produk BRIN CINA asli dari Alibaba. Tapi bahkan kemudian menjadi sangat berhati-hati seperti menebak apa yang YA scammers Cina lakukan juga menyalin bahkan merek Cina. Jadi, Anda selalu ingin menghubungi pemilik merek terlebih dahulu dan menanyakan apakah perusahaan yang Anda tangani adalah penjual ulang barang mereka yang berwenang. Alibaba SCAM Nr.2 8211 Menjual barang-barang BRANDED tapi tidak memberikan apa-apa Bagaimana cara kerja scam Ini adalah operasi scam yang sangat mirip dengan yang pertama yang kami bahas tapi dengan satu perbedaan utama dalam kasus ini begitu Anda mengirimkan uang Anda ke pemasok dan Anda tidak pernah mendengarnya. Dari mereka lagi Ya, benar, Anda tidak menerima apapun dengan imbalan uang Anda. Bagaimana cara menghindari penipuan ini Dengan mengikuti peraturan sederhana yang sama 8211 JANGAN membeli barang bermerek dari pemasok yang terdaftar di Alibaba atau dari pemasok manapun yang berbasis di Scermers China Daratan yang sangat cerdas dan selalu mencari produk panas terbaru yang keluar, jadi Mereka bisa membangun seluruh situs web yang menjual produk itu. Bahkan saat iPhone 6 belum dirilis, sudah ada puluhan situs web grosir iPhone 6 China dan menjualnya 300-400. Atau bahkan lebih baik beli 5 dan dapatkan satu gratis, ditambah ongkos kirim gratis Apa kesepakatan yang menakjubkan untuk dilewatkan pada On Alibaba sendiri sangat mudah 8211 tetap berpegang pada peraturan TIDAK membeli barang bermerek dan Anda telah melindungi diri dari 2 penipuan paling umum ini. . Tapi bagaimana jika Anda telah menemukan sebuah situs web yang menjual saham bermerek Berikut adalah beberapa aturan sederhana yang harus diikuti: 1. Jika terlihat terlalu bagus untuk menjadi kenyataan, memang begitu. IPhone untuk 300, MacBook untuk 600 8211 ini adalah harga tipuan tipikal. Mereka ingin orang percaya bahwa mereka telah menemukan kesepakatan yang luar biasa, padahal kenyataannya merupakan penipuan yang sangat murah. 2. Cek nama domain di database WHO IS. Jika pendaftaran menunjukkan China, Anda pasti tahu itu operasi scammers. 3. Periksa metode pembayaran 8211 jika kartu kredit atau PayPal bukan pilihan DAN hanya Western Union atau Money Gram yang diterima, itu adalah penipuan. 4. Periksa metode pengiriman 8211 jika mereka mengatakan pengiriman via EMS, ini adalah tipuan (Karena EMS adalah perusahaan kurir China). 5. Berbagai produk 8211 sangat sering scammers menjual sejumlah besar barang yang tidak terkait, semuanya ada di satu situs web. Dengan pengalaman Anda dapat dengan mudah menemukan penipu seperti itu dengan segera melihat kategori produk yang ditawarkan. Jika Anda melihat produk seperti penjualan ini di satu situs web dengan harga yang terlalu bagus untuk menjadi harga yang benar, itu adalah sebuah SCAM yang pasti 100: iPhones Pioneer DJ Decks Designer Handbags Sepatu Nike Airlie Biasanya pedagang grosir grosir yang menjual tas tangan desainer juga menangani iPhone, jadi ini adalah Tanda jelas bahwa Anda telah menemukan penipuan. Untuk jumlah itu 8211 barang bermerek dan China hanya tidak pergi bersama. Jauhi pemasok Alibaba dan China sama sekali jika Anda mencari barang bermerek karena Anda memiliki kesempatan yang sangat tinggi untuk mendapatkan scammed dan menerima barang palsu (atau tidak sama sekali). Alibaba SCAM Nr.3 8211 Profil Alibaba yang tidak diverifikasi untuk perusahaan Inggris atau AS Bagaimana cara kerja scam ini scammers Cina membuka profil Alibaba GRATIS dengan menggunakan rincian perusahaan berbasis UKUSEU yang sah. Mereka berpura-pura menjadi perusahaan legit untuk menjual barang bermerek (barang apapun dalam hal ini, bahkan tidak bermerek) dan pada dasarnya hanya mengambil uang Anda dan tidak akan pernah mengirim apapun kepada Anda. Akun gratis ini TIDAK diverifikasi sehingga tidak ada jaminan bahwa Anda berurusan dengan perusahaan yang namanya ada dalam profil tertentu itu. Bagaimana menghindari penipuan ini TIDAK PERNAH berurusan dengan pemasok yang terverifikasi secara instan di Alibaba Wikipedia Saya telah mengatakan hal ini berkali-kali sebelumnya, Anda hanya ingin berurusan dengan Pemasok Emas di Alibaba dan semakin mapan mereka, semakin baik. Saya secara pribadi mencoba bertahan dengan pemasok emas kelas 3 dan jika Anda berhasil menemukan pemasok tahun ke 7 atau ke 8 maka kemungkinan Anda menjadi scammed sangat kecil, asalkan Anda mengikuti peraturan lainnya tentunya. Ini bukan kebiasaan umum tapi trik penipu lain mencoba adalah mengkloning situs web perusahaan asli, tapi ubah rincian kontaknya dan cobalah menipu orang seperti ini. Cara termudah untuk menemukan penipu ini adalah dengan melakukan pencarian Google untuk nama perusahaan itu karena biasanya situs web asli akan muncul lebih dulu. Kedua, mereka biasanya akan menggunakan Gmail atau layanan email gratis lainnya. Ketiga, ketika harus membayar barang, mereka hanya akan menerima pembayaran melalui transfer bank ke rekening bank aneh atau hanya Western Union atau Money Gram yang sama. Alibaba SCAM Nr.4 8211 Mengirimkan uang ke rekening bank bos Bagaimana cara kerja scam ini Ketika saatnya untuk melakukan pembayaran atas pesanan Anda, pemasok Anda memberi tahu Anda bahwa ada masalah dengan rekening bank mereka dan meminta Anda untuk mengirimkan uang ke rekening bos , Yang tentu saja merupakan akun pribadi. Anda mungkin beruntung dan menerima pesanan Anda tapi dalam kebanyakan kasus mereka hanya akan menipu Anda dan tidak mengirimkan apapun. Bagaimana cara menghindari penipuan ini Penipuan ini bisa terjadi bahkan dengan pemasok sah terkadang ketika mereka mencoba menghindari pajak dengan menyalurkan uang ke rekening bank pribadi. Either way, Anda DON8217T INGIN MELAKUKANNYA sehingga tidak pernah mengirim uang ke rekening pribadi Dan bahkan jika ada sedikit kemungkinan mereka masih sah, jika ada pemasok yang menawarkan ini kepada saya, saya akan langsung berhenti berkomunikasi dengan mereka karena kemungkinan mendapatkan Scammed terlalu tinggi Alibaba SCAM Nr.5 8211 Meminta pembayaran tambahan untuk bea cukai Bagaimana cara kerja scam ini Beberapa hari setelah Anda membayar pesanan Anda, pemasok Anda akan menghubungi Anda dan meminta pembayaran tambahan untuk membayar biaya bea cukai. Jika Anda setuju untuk membayar, mereka mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak bisa mengeluarkan barang dari China. Seringkali mereka mungkin juga memberi Anda nomor pelacakan kurir palsu yang memiliki informasi palsu tentang barang Anda yang dipegang di bea cukai. Cara menghindari penipuan ini Tidak ada biaya bea cukai yang harus dibayar saat mengekspor barang dari China jadi jika Anda menerima email seperti ini dari pemasok Anda, Anda telah pernah scammed dan dapat mengucapkan selamat tinggal atas uang yang telah Anda bayar. Terima saja kerugiannya dan lanjutkan JANGAN membayar sesuatu yang ekstra karena tidak ada bedanya. Seringkali para scammers ini melangkah lebih jauh lagi 8211 setelah Anda membayar pembayaran tambahan pertama itu, beberapa hari kemudian mereka akan menemukan alasan lain yang membutuhkan lebih banyak uang dari Anda. Mereka tahu bahwa Anda telah bermain dua kali oleh mereka dan mereka akan mencoba memerah Anda untuk semua yang mereka bisa. Seperti yang saya katakan, sesedih itu, jika Anda mendapatkan email seperti ini, Anda telah scammed dan tidak ada yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk memisahkannya. Dari menerima kerugian dan terus maju, dan hanya mencoba untuk belajar dari apa yang terjadi. Alibaba SCAM Nr.6 8211 Menjual DVD palsu, perangkat lunak, permainan video, Blu-ray Bagaimana cara kerja scam ini Memasok daftar DVD, perangkat lunak, permainan video dan produk media serupa. Ketika Anda menerimanya, Anda tahu bahwa mereka adalah salinan bajakan yang murah dan bajakan, yang ilegal untuk dijual kembali. Bagaimana cara menghindari penipuan ini JANGAN membeli barang dari pemasok Alibaba atau pemasok China untuk hal itu. Anda tidak bisa mendapatkan DVD, software, video games atau Blu-ray dari China 8211 yang asli, semuanya akan menjadi salinan bajakan, tidak ada yang lain. Ini juga termasuk DVD spesial seperti set Baby Einstein, program pelatihan P90X dan sejenisnya. Alibaba telah melakukan pekerjaan dengan baik untuk menyaring barang-barang semacam itu selama beberapa tahun terakhir namun kemungkinan Anda masih dapat menemukannya. Dan peraturan yang sama berlaku untuk semua situs web berbasis China, yang ada banyak online. Cukup gunakan akal sehat Anda dan lakukan pemeriksaan yang sama dengan yang kami sampaikan di tipuan Alibaba 2. Alibaba SCAM Nr.7 8211 Menolak untuk mengirim sampel. Bagaimana cara kerja scam ini Bila Anda menghubungi pemasok untuk meminta ketersediaan sampel dan mereka mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak melakukan sampel dan hanya menangani pesanan massal. Bagaimana cara menghindari penipuan ini Meskipun ini mungkin bukan pertanda yang pasti, saya secara pribadi akan menjauh dari perusahaan seperti itu yang tidak menawarkan contohnya. Mendapatkan sampel adalah hal pertama yang ingin Anda lakukan saat menemukan pemasok baru 8211 hanya untuk menguji kualitas produk dan pada umumnya memverifikasi bahwa pemasok ini adalah kesepakatan nyata dan dapat memberi Anda produk yang Anda minati. Jangan memberikan contoh, sesuatu yang cerdik sedang terjadi dan itu benar-benar tidak layak dilakukan untuk mengambil risiko ekstra dalam situasi seperti ini. Dengan sebagian besar pemasok sah, mereka dengan senang hati akan mengirimkan sampel produk mereka jika Anda menutupi biaya pengiriman. Jika produknya sangat murah, mereka sering tidak mengenakan biaya untuk produk tersebut. Jika produknya lebih mahal, mereka mungkin mengenakan harga premium untuk pengiriman contoh, yang bisa dimengerti karena mereka tidak ingin pelanggan ritel hanya membeli satu item dari mereka dengan harga grosir. Either way, pemasok asli tidak akan memiliki masalah mengirimkan sampel ke Anda dan jika mereka tidak mau, untuk alasan apapun, carilah pemasok lain Alibaba SCAM Nr.8 8211 Menerima pembayaran melalui Western Union Bagaimana cara kerja penipuan ini Bila Anda menerima Faktur Proforma, ia mengatakan Western Union dengan persyaratan pembayaran, dengan informasi tentang siapa yang akan mengirim uang. Ini adalah tanda CLEAR bahwa sesuatu yang cerdik sedang terjadi Bagaimana menghindari penipuan ini Jangan mengirim uang melalui Western Union ke pemasok China. Periode. Bila Anda mengirim uang melalui Western Union, Anda mengirim uang ke seseorang, bukan perusahaan, jadi Anda benar-benar tahu di mana uang Anda akan berakhir. Bahkan bisa jadi seorang salesman yang bekerja di perusahaan legit mencoba menipu Anda atau hanya karena pemasoknya adalah scam sama sekali. Either way, satu-satunya metode pembayaran yang harus Anda gunakan saat berurusan dengan pemasok Alibaba adalah: PayPal (ideal) Alibaba Escrow Transfer bank (wire transfer) ke rekening bank perusahaan (bukan akun pribadi). Satu-satunya pengecualian untuk peraturan ini adalah saat Anda membayar sampel. Sebagai contoh, jika perusahaan benar-benar bersikap legit terhadap Anda dan Anda tidak berurusan dengan item berisiko tinggi, Anda bisa menggunakan WU, ya, karena lebih murah dan lebih cepat daripada transfer bank. Alibaba SCAM Nr.9 8211 Menjual produk memori palsu Bagaimana cara kerja scam ini Seorang pemasok menjual produk penyimpanan (kartu memori, stik USB dan sejenisnya) dengan harga bagus tapi ketika Anda menerimanya, Anda akan mendapati bahwa kapasitas sebenarnya jauh lebih kecil daripada yang diiklankan. Misalnya, Anda membeli drive USB 64GB dan menerima yang 8GB sebagai gantinya. Cara menghindari penipuan ini Anda harus sangat berhati-hati saat membeli produk memori dari China karena scam ini sangat, sangat populer. Semua orang tahu bahwa semakin banyak GB yang Anda dapatkan di produk, semakin tinggi harganya. Tapi tidak semua orang melihat ukuran REAL dari produk ini Seringkali, dengan penipuan ini, orang pertama menyadari apa yang telah terjadi adalah ketika mereka mendapat umpan balik negatif dari pelanggan mereka di eBay. Untuk meminimalkan risiko terserang scam dengan cara ini, berikut adalah beberapa peraturan Untuk mengikuti: 1) Deal hanya dengan didirikan, 5 tahun Pemasok Emas. 2) Memesan sampel dan memeriksa ukuran memori untuk setiap produk. 3) Buat pesanan pertama Anda sekecil mungkin, periksa ukuran untuk semua produk dan hanya jika semuanya baik-baik saja, tingkatkan pesanan Anda secara bertahap. Seperti untuk menguji kapasitas sebenarnya dari ukuran 8211 itu tidak cukup bahwa Anda meletakkan kartu ATM di komputer Anda dan melihatnya menunjukkan 64GB. Scammers lebih pintar dari pada 8211 mereka memodifikasi chip elektronik di dalam produk sehingga menunjukkan ukuran memori yang melonjak saat terpasang ke komputer Anda Yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah menggunakan perangkat lunak khusus untuk memeriksa ukuran memori sebenarnya ATAU hanya mencoba untuk mentransfer maksimum Kapasitas untuk melihat apakah itu sesuai atau tidak. Jadi misalnya jika Anda memiliki stik USB 64GB, mentransfer file 63GB ke sana dan ya, ini akan memakan banyak waktu, jadi jika Anda serius membeli dan menjual kembali produk semacam itu, saya sangat menyarankan agar Anda berinvestasi di beberapa perangkat lunak diagnostik yang layak. Aturan sama sekali tidak berlaku BRANDED GOODS masih berlaku di sini. Donlique SanDisk, Sony dan produk memori bermerek serupa dari China, semuanya palsu. Anda hanya bisa membeli produk memori tanpa merek atau produk memori merek Anda sendiri dari China. Alibaba SCAM Nr.10 8211 Faktur dibuat ke rekening bank pribadi. Bagaimana cara kerja scam ini Sangat mirip dengan rekening bank bos scam 8211 pada faktur proforma Anda akan menemukan bahwa rekening bank yang Anda butuhkan untuk mengirim uang ke akun pribadi dan bukan rekening perusahaan. Bagaimana cara menghindari penipuan ini PERNAH mengirim uang ke rekening bank pribadi Jika transfer kawat adalah satu-satunya metode pembayaran yang tersedia, pastikan bahwa itu hanya rekening bank perusahaan dan pastikan rincian perusahaan sesuai dengan yang Anda lihat di profil Alibaba mereka. Kadang-kadang bisa berbeda meskipun 8211 ketika pabrikan menggunakan perusahaan sejenis, terdaftar sebagai Perusahaan Perdagangan, untuk menangani semua pesanan ekspor. Dalam kasus tersebut, Anda masih dapat memverifikasi informasi ini di profil Alibaba atau situs web perusahaan mereka. Kesimpulan Baiklah Anda pergi 10 Penipuan Alibaba Paling Populer Tentu saja ada lebih banyak lagi, penipuan yang lebih kecil terjadi, namun jika Anda mempelajarinya 10 dan mematuhi peraturan yang diterbitkan dalam panduan ini, Anda akan mengurangi kesempatan Anda untuk mendapatkan scammed ke minimum absolut. . Berikut adalah beberapa panduan umum dan terakhir yang harus diikuti saat berurusan dengan pemasok di Alibaba: 1) Lakukan pekerjaan rumah Anda. Ikuti panduan Alibaba SCAMS Exposed untuk menyaring hanya pemasok TERBAIK. Periksa silang pemasok Anda dengan semua 10 penipuan yang tercantum dalam posting ini. Berkomunikasi dengan mereka, tanyakan sebanyak mungkin pertanyaan, urutkan contoh terlebih dahulu dan hanya jika Anda yakin ini adalah kesepakatan sebenarnya dan perusahaan asli menempatkan pesanan asli Anda yang sebenarnya. 2) Jika terlihat terlalu bagus untuk menjadi kenyataan, maka saya berharap lebih banyak orang akan mengikuti peraturan sederhana ini. Terlalu sering orang terganggu oleh harga yang sangat rendah dan pemikiran tentang keuntungan luar biasa ini, mereka akan membuat penilaian mereka yang spektakuler dan hasilnya adalah hasil yang mudah bagi para penipu di luar sana. Sebagai pedoman umum 8211 Anda tahu keajaiban harga rendah Alibaba kecuali Anda bekerja dengan daya beli besar-besaran (seperti memesan 10.000 unit produk yang sama). Dalam kebanyakan kasus, Anda melihat ROI 20-50 saat menjual kembali barang-barang impor ini. Tentu, selalu ada pengecualian tapi JIKA harga yang ditawarkan kepada Anda sepuluh kali lebih rendah dari apa yang dijual di eBay, maka itu pertanda jelas bahwa ada sesuatu yang cerdik terjadi. 3) Jika Anda tidak tahu apa yang Anda lakukan, jangan lakukan itu dengan serius. Saya tahu bahwa kita semua ingin sukses dan kita semua ingin menghasilkan keuntungan yang baik. Tetapi beberapa orang lupa bahwa dibutuhkan beberapa waktu dan pendidikan untuk membuat keputusan yang tepat dalam bisnis. Jika Anda benar-benar baru dalam hal ini, jangan terburu-buru hal-hal dengan memesan beberapa hari pertama Anda. Luangkan waktu Anda dan dapatkan beberapa pengalaman, bahkan jika itu hanya melalui komunikasi dengan pemasok Anda. 4) Bisnis apa pun datang dengan semacam risiko dan impor bukanlah pengecualian. Anda bisa mengikuti semua pemandu di dunia dan masih mendapatkan scammed. Itulah kenyataan yang menyedihkan dan sesuatu yang harus Anda terima saat melakukan bisnis dalam bentuk apapun. Jadi tolong jangan menggunakan uang yang tidak dapat Anda hilangkan (saya berbicara tentang pinjaman, kartu kredit dll di sini). 5) Membuat keputusan yang tepat. Jangan biarkan emosi Anda mengatur keputusan apa pun yang saya tahu betapa menggodanya kadang-kadang hanya berpegang pada perintah, bahkan jika beberapa hal tidak cukup bertambah. Jangan lakukan itu Stick dengan pemandu saya dan jangan membuat pengecualian pada Anda sendiri Lebih baik membiarkan kesepakatan yang potensial, daripada menyesal pada saat Anda terkena scammed. Baiklah, itu untuk hari ini saya sangat berharap posting ini akan bermanfaat bagi banyak orang memulai bisnis impor. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau ingin berbagi pengalaman pribadi Anda saat berurusan dengan pemasok Alibaba, silakan tinggalkan pemikiran Anda di kotak komentar di bawah posting ini. Good luck dengan transaksi impor Anda Saya melihat memesan kaos polo sublimasi dengan desain saya. Saya hanya melihat produsen dengan yang berikut: pemasok emas, jaminan perdagangan, menerima Paypal, memiliki 10.000 8211 30.000 hierarki transaksi dan penilaian pemasok. Di mana saya terjebak adalah, saya meminta masing-masing produsen untuk referensi pelanggan sebelumnya dan mengganggu 99 dari mereka mengabaikan permintaan saya untuk referensi. Entah mereka tidak memilikinya atau mereka mengira saya adalah pabrikan lain yang berusaha merebus bisnis mereka. Mereka menolak menolak memberikan rincian kontak pelanggan sebelumnya. Saya tidak ingin membiarkan sikap keras kepala saya menghalangi pemasok baru, tapi saya tidak mengerti mengapa hampir tidak ada orang yang mau memberi saya referensi untuk diajak bicara. Bagiku itu adalah bendera merah besar dan aku belum memesan sampel. Saya telah menghubungi sekitar 30 perusahaan yang menjanjikan yang memenuhi kriteria saya dan tiga telah menanggapi dengan referensi yang buruk. Saya ingin referensi tidak hanya untuk due diligence tapi karena akhirnya pesanan massal saya harus langsung ke Amerika Serikat dimana saya tidak dapat secara pribadi memeriksa barangnya. Jadi saya ingin jaminan kualitas yang konsisten sebelum saya membuang uang pada mereka. Produsen gagal melihat hal ini dari sudut pandang pelanggan. Di sepatuku akankah kamu menunggu referensi ATAU menemukan pemasok yang kutu semua kotak yang tepat dikurangi referensi yang cukup bagus Andrew Minalto mengatakan terima kasih atas komentarmu Sangat, SANGAT jarang perusahaan di Alibaba akan memberikan referensi semacam itu. Pertama-tama, 8211 seperti yang Anda katakan, banyak yang takut pesaing memata-matai bisnis mereka. Kedua, informasi rahasia hanya dengan para produsen OEM, di mana pemilik merek tidak ingin orang lain tahu siapa produsen produk untuk mereka. Jadi, ini tidak biasa, sebenarnya betul-betul normal bahwa produsen tidak bisa mengungkapkan daftar klien mereka. Aku berhasil mendapatkan dua referensi bagus sejauh ini tapi sepertinya mencoba mengeluarkan darah dari lol batu. Terimakasih atas balasan anda. Saya akan memesan lebih banyak sampel dari beberapa produsen yang tidak mau memberikan referensi. Andrew Minalto mengatakan terima kasih banyak atas semua usaha baik Anda dalam membuat informasi informatif dan bermanfaat semacam itu. I8217ve recently searched for plastic recycle machine from Alibaba, one supplier which is 8 years gold member, have all their certificate, existency verified by alibaba as well as SGS. What makes me worry is that their machine cost around half the price of all other suppliers that quoted me. They looks really legit to me. And welcome me to their factory for visit and pre inspection before shipment. What is your view :( Andrew Minalto says Thanks for your comment. I can8217t really give any advice here as when complicated items, machinery involved, it8217s not about the supplier but machine you8217re buying 8211 quality of it, functionality, after sales service etc. One of biggest Alibaba horror stories I hear frequently involve purchase of some kind of equipmentmachinery 8211 like in your case. People complain that they receive damaged machine, refurbished, used, with missing parts etc. etc. So you have to be very careful here, especially if their price is 50 of what others charge. In fact, such a low price is a clear warning that something is not right with that supplieritem they want to sell. I would be very careful when dealing with them. You must do factory inspection and pre-shippment inspection before you send any money. have very strict contact in place on Trade Assurance platform. What8217s the best method of payment for purchasing the freight for samples I have sellers o n alibaba telling me that the samples are free, we just have to pay for shipping. Cool, that8217s understandable. But they only accept money from WU and I NEVER do WU regardless of how small the price may be. Just being overly cautious. I8217ve read your post so I know you mentioned WU is an exception but is there typically other methods of payment to pay for freight when suppliers are sending samples over Supplier is in China, I live in the US so freight cost was estimated 38. Andrew Minalto says Usually PayPal is used to pay such small amounts to cover shipping for samples. But as some suppliers don8217t take PayPal, WU is often used too. Just like you I don8217t like using WU at all but if the supplier looks very good and they can8217t accept PayPal, WU is your only option. You could do wire transfer too of course but the fee will be very high compared to amount you send. Thanks I8217ll keep that in mind. Also, if they8217re an 8220Assessed Supplier8221 on Alibaba then that generally means that they8217re legit and has already had an inspection personally performed by whoever Alibaba sends, correct Andrew Minalto says This is my first time using Alibaba. I plan to buy solar charge controller from Shenzhen Hehejin industrial co. Ltd. (Y-solar). In alibaba their status is 1 year gold supplier. After having communication with them, we8217re making a price deal by email and whatsap then they offer the transaction made directly to them (not under alibaba anymore) payment recomend use paypal. the reason is because they can give better price when shopping directly to them due to courier cost. Is this common happened when we go through the supplier and they offer direct sell. Which one is recommended (proceed through alibaba use trade insurance or directly to them) Andrew Minalto says This is quite common practice but you still have to be careful, as they8217re only 1st year Gold supplier. Def. start with sample order and see how it goes. As these are technical products, you want to make sure quality is there plus have to have solid agreement in place with supplier on what happens with defective items, how you deal with items under warranty. Well it looks worst and worst in my opinion. As soon as I opened a dispute they played dead. The 5 days are over now and I escalated the dispute. Looks like I may have to pay 200 for a quality inspection fee (to alibaba) even if it8217s not the problem (they refuse to send the product, not a quality problem). So wait and see. Ok I wish I had found and read this first Here is my story. About 2 weeks ago I reached out to a company on Alibaba called Beauty Centre Inc AKA SKS Cosmetics. They are located in the UK. We had started out messaging thru Alibaba message center than I was told to email them for further business. I reached out to them via email inquiring about the price on several different brands. My total for all was 825 but was told that 800 would be accepted plus I would be receiving 55 more pieces since I purchased 330 total. I made payment of 800 to a Jimmy White which was located in the USA. I thought that was extremely odd. After 2 days of not hearing anything I sent email to a Philip Logan who I had been dealing with asking about status. I received a reply that I needed to send additional payment of 200 per their shipping company to ensure protection coverage for my goods. I was upset and refused but he kept telling me that it was for my own benefit and that they were sorry this happened but assured me of getting my money back by the DHL carrier. I called DHL of course was told that their carriers do not carry cash to give receivers refunds of course I already knew this. However, I sent payment anyway again to this Jimmy White person cuz I wanted my stuff and than a day after I received email with tracking for advent freight service. I checked tracking and it seemed to be legit as it hit Canada than all of a sudden it showed arrived in Greenland than next day Iceland departure held by customs. I reached out again to Philip asking what was going on and he replied that he8217s so sorry but customs is demanding 650 to release my goods. At this point I was very upset and I told them exactly how I felt and how they are nothing but a scam and that I filed a complaint with alibaba supplying them with all supporting documentation to back my claim up. They kept saying sorry and that he would contact his boss to see what they can do. He responded back me saying his boss will pay for 350 but I need to pay the 300 and my goods will get released ASAP. Sooo their I go again sending money gram of 300 but this time to United Arab Emirates. I than checked the tracking a day later and it says released by customs in transit. I guess I would like to know Andrew is if this Advent freight is made up tracking system of some sort. I know I got jipped but I8217m hoping my goods are on their way and the status I8217m showing is true. Andrew Minalto says Thanks for sharing this with us. I8217m very sorry but this is a classical scam 8211 you will never see those goods or your money again8230 Costly mistake made by trusting wrong people. Julie Futoran-Ulsted says First off, thank you so much for this article. Its been very helpful to read I really appreciate your insight I am in need of a bit of advice. Ive found a few companies on Alibaba that happen to be Indian ones, so I guess my first question is, does all the advice in your article apply to Indian companies as well The product that I would like to source just doesnt seem to be available in China, otherwise I would have tried to pursue it that way. However both of the Indian companies are Gold Star Members (one 8 years, and the other 2). Ive done the research, so I know that the product would do well on Amazon, which is where I plan to sell it. I have been taking a private label class offered by a well known FBA private label podcaster and entrepreneur here in the U. S, who recommends only paying companies via PayPal or VISA and using Alibabas Escrow services. He also recommends only ever doing TTs with companies once trust has been fully established with them, preferably via several large transactions. So payment has been my biggest obstacle so far because all the sources Ive found for this product only take LC, DA, DP, TT, Western Union, or MoneyGram. I am currently looking into finding a Sourcing Agent in order to help me source with reputable companies in India for my product that I could trust doing a TT with, since this seems to be the most common method of payment there. Do you think this is a good idea or necessary Any other thoughts or advice regarding my situation would be much appreciated. Andrew Minalto says Thanks for your comment. It8217s hard to give you definite answer but in general, you should be fine if they8217re long established, Gold Suppliers. For added piece of mind, do factory inspection (you can find such service in India by doing Google search) and of course get samples first. As these companies can8217t offer safe payment methods, it will be riskier than dealing with Chinese companies, yes, but if you can8217t find those products in China, I guess you have no choice here but take that risk. Julie Futoran-Ulsted says Thanks so much for your speedy reply Doing factory inspection does take out some of the risk, thanks for this advice So, I take it you don8217t recommend using Sourcing Agents or Sourcing Company Andrew Minalto says At least in my experience, it has been nothing but hassle to deal with another middle man. What a lovely post for newbees. Very discriptive. I am planning to import few car DVD players from alibaba. I contacted few sellers on alibaba. Although i recieved very economic quotes from many suppliers but none of them are willing yo pay for the shipment. I even asked them to ship the items through china post or HK post but they said that as the item weighs more than 2 Kg, the item cannot be shipped through regular mail but just express mail. The shipping charges are almost equivalent to the actual product price. One supplier i. e Guangzhou haoye electonic technology co. Ltd. Agreed to ship the samples through aramex without any charge(free ddu). He says that the payment through alibaba is somewhat hectic and we can use aliexpress as the sample order platform. I also agreed as aliexpress has escrow. The rates provided by haoyetech are almost 10-20 cheaper than any other competitor and nobody else is providing free express delivery. I plan to order few samples that will be nearly 200USD. Should I go ahead with the deal. Andrew Minalto says Why are you expecting free delivery on samples or real order for that matter There8217s no such a thing as free shipping 8211 even if it does say free shipping, seller just ads shipping costs to product price. As business owners, we always want to know REAL product price and then shipping 8211 separately, so we can calculate best shipping methods, how they affect landed cost etc. I really appreciate your promt reply. I want free shipping just for samples. I have a fair idea of the shipment costing. As I am odering just the samples currently for quality checking purpose I am expecting free shipment for the samples. Once I will finalize the products i will ask my importer to get the goods picked up from the sellers factory after third party inspection. As the quantity will be high I might order a full container of mixed materials which will cost me much less on freight charges. After the goods land at kolkata, India port, my custom clearing agent will do the rest. What I wanted was to shortlist the manufacturers to buy samples and then further shortlist to the final product and manufacture. I came across this company who have been exchanging mails and messages since a couple of weeks. Just wanted to check if they are legitimate or scammers. Thanks a lot Abhinav Gupta (This article seems very very wonderful Chinese scammers and Pakistan scammers are the worst. I8217m of Chinese descent and I am very ashamed of the bad Chinese people who are ruining good Chinese citizens. Actually. Chinese scammers are very common there because Alibaba8217s HQ is in Hangzhou.) I searched Alibaba for bluetooth wireless headset. This is what I found is very good. alibabaproduct-detailSX-991-4-1-Sports-Stereo60299378000.htmlspma2700.7724838.0.0.NAIvfC ( sorry ) This is from Mainland China and Shenzhen Shuaixian Electronic Equipment Co. Ltd. is a 8yr gold supplier. Payment Terms:TT, Western Union Is this a scam I need help Andrew Minalto says Yasser Malik says I8217m looking to purchase 300 tons of Caustic Soda via Alibaba, only concern is that most suppliers appear to be asking for a 30 deposit. Whilst I understand this is normal practice in China, even the suppliers on Alibaba whom offer Trade assurance appear reluctant to do so despite it being free. Their excuses make no sense so I wonder if this is a way to avoid paying tax as with trade assurance a proper invoice must be produced and verified. I was wondering if you could take a look at the supplier we have vetted 8211 we sent a representative to see their warehouses and offices 8211 the factory was in Inner Mongolia, which based on other suppliers appears normal since raw material costs are cheapest there. They offer trade assurance, are gold members and verified for 8 years but seem reluctant to do it as I said. There is also a possibility that they are a trading company, which isn8217t too big an issue as we will arrange port testing with Bureau Veritas, the concern we have is more to do with the Deposit and safely sending it without the worry of the supplier running off with it or failing to fulfil its obligations 8211 afterall, it is in the region of 40,000 USD. Here is the link to their alibaba account. Do take a look and let me know what you think and if paying the deposit is okay even if it is done via TT and not through trade assurance. Andrew Minalto says They look ok to me and if you have done on-site inspection, you probably should know better anyway. As for payments and everything 8211 you should INSIST that deal go through Trade assurance, period. Unless you can arrange a LC option for this kind of deal, that should work too. What is a on site inspection i heard u do it when u are happy with samples. And about tocget a bigger order is that right Wow your such an inspiration. Thank you for all your time to put posts i personally infinitely appreciate. Im wanting to start but would you tell me how would it be easier to find business opportunities how to niche down and find a category that will sell. And also the part of customs wasnt that clear to me should i even ask about the subject to supplier or just assume that everything is taken care off Andrew Minalto says Please check out other posts on my blog that cover your questions in detail: I am looking to place my first order on Alibaba which comes to 600 for 100 pieces of goods including shipping. The supplier looks genuine everything checks out, 5 years on site, and verified with on site inspection and they specialise in manufacturing one type of goods. A few people sell the same product on eBay selling upto 10 of the item each day. Profit works out at 3.00 per unit after everything paid (shipping, cost of units, eBay fees, postage to buyer and PayPal fees). Everything checks out, doesn8217t look to good to be true, not branded and I8217m 99 sure these are the manufacturer not reseller) They said payment either by western union or Paypal, obviously I choose PayPal, they want me to pay 5 to cover there PayPal fee which I think is fair. My main question is when paying through PayPal what sort of information is needed on the PayPal invoice to be covered for buyer protection I was sent an invoice with product title, unit number and total cost that was about it, with her address and name. What else should be on the invoice I have asked her to put in the tampc8217s, the shipping info and when the order will be shipped by and to what address and just waiting for a revised invoice. Also when I talk on Alibaba through messaging and live chat always the same person and the PayPal account which sent the invoice is not a company one just her own one, but I8217m sure that she owns the business through research. What are your thoughts on this please. Andrew Minalto says The company looks ok to me, it8217s not a branded product and not really a high risk niche. So I think with PayPal payment 038 everything else you8217ll be fine. Wish I had read this before I rushed into buying on alibaba. Lost 2,600 on a deal with a guy from Saudia Arabia that was clearly too good to be true. The person set up a fake escrow email that requested me to send money to an individual bank account in Germany. So embarrassed I haven8217t told my family and doubt I ever will Andrew Minalto says Sorry to hear about that Paul. At least now you8217ll know exactly why things went wrong there8230. I am new to Alibaba and have a few questions that I hope you can help with. I am interested in purchasing 1000 wall mounted bottle openers for resale. This could be an on-going thing. After reading some comments, is the best possible scenario to find a manufacturer that is a gold supplier that is willing to send a sample first Also, use someone that offers Paypal funded by a credit card and has Trade Assurance As far as shipping goes, do I need to worry about filling out any Customs paperwork, or is that done by the supplier Does the shipment come directly to my address Andrew Minalto says Thanks for your comment. YES, to part one. Shipping 8211 I guess that you8217ll be shipping these via a courier company Then you don8217t have o worry about anything as courier company will get paper work done and deliver package right to your door, yes. How about using a pre-paid 8220credit card8221 that is not associated with my bank account I advise people to stop reading this blog entry after the 1st tip which is probably the only thing useful in the whole article, some of the statements are completely untrue. The thing is, you can8217t be scammed out of your money easily because, just like eBay or Amazon, AlibabaAliexpress has a tight consumer protection, so tight that you can easily scam sellers if you wanted to, but that would hinder your reputation as a buyer, obviously. Anyway, when you pay for something on AlibabaAliexpress the seller doesn8217t get his hands on your money until you either confirm the reception of the goods or the buyer protection coverage reaches a deadline. Either way, you can always open a dispute whether it8217s because you didn8217t receive the actual goods or the goods aren8217t what you expected or what was described. Furthermore, if the seller decides to change the description of an article after doing a deal, Alibaba will keep a snapshot of the page as it was at the time of purchase. I have purchased there over 30 items in the past year and never once was I scammed. Only once did I ask for a full refund and once also for an extension of the Buyer Protection 8211 both as expected. The full refund was because I didn8217t receive the goods and the seller was not answering my messages. Eventually he did answer the refund dispute in my favor and politely asked for me to pay him back directly through Paypal in case I ever got the product in the mail. I still haven8217t got it, but if I do I8217ll show the same honesty I have been shown. The Buyer Protection extension was requested because when it was reaching the deadline the product was still in customs. I was granted an additional 30 days extension and am still waiting for customs to release the product. This isn8217t to say that there isn8217t the occasional scammer (which I never encountered) but I imagine it is very possible to have someone try to trick you into buying clones or pay to an external account. That8217s all very possible and people should watch out for that, but don8217t be fooled by this guy (oh, look, an eBay advert in this blog) who tries to imply that only western markets are capable of offering you the secure channel you need. That8217s all BS and we actually need more serious competition in this area. Don8217t be afraid to use it, start with something small and you8217ll see it works pretty well. Free-shipping for almost everything. The 2 main nagging problemas with AlibabaAliexpress, products can take 30 days to reach you and customs may apply taxes and fees for items that are more expensive, when shipped from mainland China. But a lot of the biggest 8220mainland China8221 sellers already have systems and partnerships with USEuropean couriers which will redirect the goods so that it doesn8217t get caught up and delayed by customs. Finally, I8217m not affiliated with Aliexpress nor do I earn any money from this rant, the opposite from the owner of this website. I just think it8217s wrong to tell people something without including valuable information, like the fact that there are buyer protection mechanisms. Andrew Minalto says Are you serious Did you actually read my article Do you even know the difference between Alibaba and Ali Express And what this article is about I8217m NOT against using AlibabaAli Express 8211 it8217s the OPPOSITE. You should really read the article and other Alibaba posts on my blog before leaving such comment. Thanks for the post. I8217ve been tampering with the idea of buying goods on Alibaba and reselling them for profit on eBay and Amazon. However, my scam-o-meter is running REALLY high. First, I started communicating with a few suppliers (all unverified) and got the creeps, so I walked. Deals were so sweet that I kept looking back, but stuck with the rule: If it8217s too good to be true, then it probably is. Second, I started to get smart and narrow my search to verified gold suppliers with trade assurance and onsite checks. That8217s when I ran into a company with 7-year Gold Supplier status, AampV check, and solid communication. HOWEVER, once the communication started rolling I noticed some scam potential. For example, I8217m looking at a Nvidia Quadro K6000 graphics card (aka 8211 branded item) that sells for 2500 on ebay, but only 500unit on Alibaba with this supplier. Scam-o-meter started dinging Then, all communication was forced over to Gmail where the company name shifted from what was on Alibaba. DING, DING, DING Running hot now8230 then, the kicker, Western Union, TT or MoneyGram payment. I figured I8217d better run from this one, but wanted to touch base with you. How is it that a verified 7-year supplier on Alibaba have this good of a deal. I8217m assuming their account was hacked because they primarily sell seeds (corn, cumin, vegetable, etc.), but now list electronics, baby strollers, iPhones, etc. What the hell Andrew Minalto says Yes, it usually happens when: a) an Alibaba account gets hacked b) someone buysover-takes Alibaba accountcompany c) employee plays out their own 8220game8221. Anyway, you should know that you can8217t get BRANDED goods from Mainland China, so you shouldn8217t even think about getting PC graphics cards from there. thanks for this Was looking at a pioneer ddj-sz and they have it listed 400 a piece, and if you buy (2) units, the 3rd is free hahah cheapest pioneer ddj-sz on ebay is going for 1695 a piece. like what they say, if its too good to be true, then it usually isnt. Andrew Minalto says It8217s a 100 scam Calvin, of course. Branded goods such buy one, get one free deals are very popular amongst scammers. Andrew Minalto on How to EXPAND your eBay Business GLOBALLY Hi Lynden, Yes, if you use pan European fulfilment, youll have to register for VAT in those countries. There are help pages on Amazon covering this issue. But if you stick with UK FBA, you dont have to do this until you reach. Paul on HOW To LOSE International Customers with eBay8217s Global Shipping Program Hi Andrew, Thanks, very helpful. One more if I may - do you set up postage by weight tables on Ebay or have a set business policy price Im tempted to go by weight, as thats how the international postage is. lynden pickard on How to EXPAND your eBay Business GLOBALLY Hi Andrew Im not sure if this post is active but ill give a go anyways, I have been selling on amazon fba and also recently enrolled for pan european markets and made a few sales in these markets. But a lot. Andrew Minalto on How to Start a Profitable eBay Business With 50 Youre welcome Kobe. ) Kobe on How to Start a Profitable eBay Business With 50 Holy sheeet this is one of the best websites ive ever encountered. I mean, what an excellent teacher and so many well written articles, wow. THX so much Andrew for helping all of us noobs, really appreciate it. DAlibaba VS Aliexpress: How to import from China through the web Disclaimer This article is provided only for informational purposes only and neither the author nor any companies andor service providers mentioned in this text makes any representations as to the accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information in this article. This article only represents the views of the author and is not endorsed by any company andor service provider mentioned in this text. Want to import from China Learn how to source and vet the best Chinese suppliers and use the code SDC to get a 10 discount Do you dream of setting up your own online shop or import business In both cases, the best way is to begin your research on the internet. But how to get started I asked my friend and business partner Fredrik, whos been helping Western companies import from China since 2009, to write this article for my website. Here is what he has to say Alibaba and Aliexpress are well known among importing businesses worldwide. Both websites are owned by the Alibaba Group, based in Hangzhou, China. The difference between the two websites can be hard to spot at a first glance, but they have two very different business models with different strengths and weaknesses. This article will help you choose which one to use. p. s. Here you can find my review of The Official Alibaba Success Guide . the only book that I was able to find on the topic. Alibaba key facts A B2B (business to business) portal that connects manufacturers 8211 mainly Chinese 8211 with overseas buyers. No built-in shopping cart system, the order terms are negotiated and confirmed via email or the built-in chat function. No transaction fees or commissions are paid to Alibaba. Their main revenue source is the Gold Supplier membership fee paid by suppliers. Alibaba verifies that each Gold Supplier is a legally registered company. However, this is not a guarantee of quality products. Focused on made to order goods. In practice, this means that suppliers on Alibaba dont advertise ready made products but rather manufacture products based on the specifications provided by the buyer. The suppliers are basically listing reference products. Aliexpress key facts A transaction based on a B2B and B2C (business to customer) platform that connects mostly trading companies mainly Chinese with overseas buyers. Focused on small volume orders of ready made products instead of made to order products and therefore more suitable for small and medium-sized importers who cant afford to buy a container of goods. Alibaba and Aliexpress comparison Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) A supplier needs to manufacture a certain number of units before he can make a worthwhile profit. The raw materials and component suppliers also impose MOQ requirements on your supplier, since they also need to provide a certain amount of products to your supplier in order to reach profitability. This translates into the MOQ. If you cant reach it, the supplier wont do business with you. Alibaba: Suppliers tend to have rather high MOQ requirements. The reason is that they dont keep products in stock and need to purchase a minimum quantity from their suppliers. They also need to manufacture a minimum quantity of products in order to make a profit. Many consumer products, such as wristwatches, can easily have MOQ requirements of 300 units and greater. An MOQ requirement is usually valid for a specific product, so if you want to order two different products, you need to order 2 x the MOQ requirement. This is often too much for small businesses that dont have fairly large sales volumes. Aliexpress: Most suppliers here offer an MOQ starting at 10 units and greater. The simple reason is that AliExpress suppliers can split up a larger quantity between many small buyers. This eliminates the issue of reaching a high MOQ requirement, but will of course affect prices. The price paid for a product is based on two main factors: its quality standards and the quantity you buy. The approach an importer should have with regards to pricing is very different when comparing the Alibaba and Aliexpress portals. Alibaba: There are no fixed prices, but everything is quoted from scratch to a various degree. You send your product specifications (colors, dimensions, materials, certification requirements, etc.), the delivery terms and the quantity you want to buy then the supplier gets back to you with a price. A wristwatch can cost anything from 2 to 200 USD the pricing is a question of what quality standards you require. Assuming that you can reach the suppliers MOQ requirements, you will also enjoy lower prices compared to if you are ordering 10 to 20 units at a time from AliExpress suppliers. Aliexpress: The supplier lists a product and prices for different quantities. Its usually not up for negotiation. Prices on Aliexpress are higher compared to larger quantity orders from an Alibaba supplier. Custom designed and branded products Creating a brand instead of just importing random no name products can increase the customers perceived value of the product, even if it8217s not a well-known brand name. A brand can consist of a logo, certain colors or design. Some importers also want to develop a completely new product or modify an existing design. Alibaba: Most suppliers can offer custom designs and logo printing. However, developing a new product from scratch is not easy and youll need to have very well-drafted product specifications and graphical material at hand. This includes, but is not limited to, material specifications, components, Pantone colours, product packaging designs, product body artwork and logo designs. Aliexpress: Products on Aliexpress are already manufactured and waiting for a buyer. Its not possible to send back a few units to the factory to modify their design or print a logo. Therefore, Aliexpress is not the right choice if youre looking for custom designed or branded products. Product certification Most of products, for instance electronics, toys, plastics and food require product standard compliance in most of the markets. Different countries (USA, Canada) and markets (EU) have different product standard certificates. Many importers assume that exporting suppliers are compliant by default, but this is completely wrong. Importing products that are non-compliant is illegal and can result in having your shipment confiscated, so you better take this part seriously. Below is a list of different product certificates: Alibaba: Since suppliers provide made to order products, you have the option of asking your supplier to make products compliant with a certain certificate by using the materials and components that are required for compliance. Remember that not all Alibaba suppliers have the experience or knowledge required to manufacture compliant products, but there are plenty that do. The conclusion is that if you are importing products to the EU or USA which also require compliance with a standard such as CE, then Alibaba is your next destination. Aliexpress: The products listed on Aliexpress are already produced and its very unlikely that the supplier has made products that are compliant with Western product standards. Compliant products are more expensive and it would make the supplier less competitive to their Russian, African and Latin Americans buyers (although note that also these markets often have regulations). This group tends to be larger than American and European buyers so it does make sense for the average Aliexpress trader to not bother with American and European certification standards. This is the reason for which, if you are importing in US or EU, it will be difficult to find a suitable supplier on Aliexpress. Quality Issues and Risks Its risky to import products from China. A whole industry focused on quality assurance and fraud prevention has grown in China, unlike anywhere else. Anything from small details that are incorrect in the final product to outright fraud is a possibility of this business. This costs businesses money, and while some issues can be overlooked, others force businesses into bankruptcy. Alibaba: Far from all suppliers are qualified to take your order, especially if you want to import custom made products or have a certification compliance as a requirement. Youll need to invest many hours in questioning your suppliers on their manufacturing capabilities. The risk of quality issues will increase if you dont know which product specifications define the quality of the product. In other words, the more you know about your product, the more quality issues can be avoided. Aliexpress: Its very straightforward to order from Aliexpress, and you get what the supplier offers, nothing less, nothing more. Keep in mind that quality is subjective, and you should order a sample before placing a larger order. Things considered to be good quality in Ecuador or Russia (no offence) might not be considered good quality in the United States or Italy. Unlike Alibaba, Aliexpress provides buyer feedback directly on the site. Review your suppliers negative buyer feedback to get a rough overview of what kind of mistakes that supplier has made. Lead Times Time is money and that becomes especially clear when importing from China. Below we list the different lead times you need to take into consideration when buying from a Chinese supplier: 1. Order preparations 2. Production time 3. Shipping time Alibaba: It can take months before youve identified the right supplier, confirmed samples, negotiated prices and have a signed and stamped Sales Agreement in your mailbox. On the other hand, you can just ask a random supplier to send a digital invoice and transfer your money right away, but thats obviously risky. The order preparations can take anything from 15 days to 6 months. The larger the order and the more complex the product is, the longer it takes. Production time is easier to predict since its usually around 30 days in total, counting from the day the supplier receives the payment. How long it will take to ship the products from China is basically a question of mode of transport. Air freight usually takes 5 7 days while sea freight takes around 4 weeks. If youre sourcing suppliers on Alibaba, youre likely to order fairly large volumes and in that case, sea freight is more competitive than air freight. Aliexpress: Since the products you see on Aliexpress are already manufactured and ready for delivery, you dont need to worry about any time consuming order preparations and production time. Since youre sourcing from Aliexpress, your order is probably not large enough to make sea freight a viable option. Therefore, the only lead time youll need to take into consideration is the air freight delivery time. The Alibaba Group didn8217t name this portal Aliexpress without a reason. We recommend Alibaba if8230 You can buy a few hundred units of each product You want to import custom designed products You want to import products with your own logo print or custom product packaging Your products are very price sensitive You are importing electronics, toys, plastics or any other product to the EU or USA and therefore need to comply with certain certification standards (CE, FCC, etc.) We recommend Aliexpress if8230 You buy 10 8211 100 units per product Custom design, logo printing and custom product packaging are not important to you Your products are not that price sensitive You are not importing products to the EU or USA or your products dont need to be compliant with any certification standard (but these products are quite rare) You need your products right away Fredrik Grnkvist is the Co-Founder and Limited Partner of ChinaImportal, an information services company which provides start-ups and small businesses with an online system for managing sourcing and product ion in China and other Asian countries. Want to import from China Learn how to source and vet the best Chinese suppliers and use the code SDC to get a 10 discount Cover Photo8217s Copyright: Depositphotos About Furio Fu Do not buy from them 8211 is is a such a scam and if you would like to return the junk they sent 8211 you will never get your money back 8211 just like me and couple other people i know By contrast I buy on aliexpress short series of electronic components and general accessories from different vendors and for more than 2 years I had only two incidents with wrong order and never trapped by scam. So if you want to scary people give specific examples. I agree that taking naive approach (like choosing product 10 times cheaper then other similar offers on this portal) can lead to disappointment and spread of negative opinions. Not everyone will agree aliexpress is a scam site, it is the united state law penal code. Spaming, commenting slander comments on a site it lead to fines if you dont believe me over view this law i will give you a direct link. If your brave enough to post aliexpress is a libel website then post a full picture of yourself to prove it and explain more. Its insane these kids are so immature of hiding there supplier. Its not like were going to buy it all gosh. If you got scammed on Ali Express your a fool, they have a buyer protection program which is very strong plus you can always do a cc chargeback if your truly scammed. Your comments are certainly worth taking on bored, I have dealt with both AliExpress and Alibaba,, One point you made is very important. buy your sample product from AliExpress first to test the quality of what you require, if happy with the product go ahead and order your large quantity from Alibaba. I found a lot of your comments very enlightening, Thanks, Tony. Very Excellent article. I Highly appreciate.. One thing i would ike to mentioned which was not very cleared about alibaba Same as aliexpress, you have protection at alibaba Its called alibaba escrow service, When you find a product on alibaba try to click on supplier who accept escrow via aliaba paltform. You are protected same as aliexpress, Alibaba will release the payment only if you complete the order yourself. I Never prefer Bank or WU directly to suppliers. If you meet a supplier on alibaba or aliexpress Do not bypass the platform, I hope this helps and thankful to author for great article. yeah, for who is interested the service is called Alipay Father Abraham says Thank you for this great article. I have been buying from Aliexpress since 2010 and total value of my purchases till date stand at 15,178.51 for about 70 orders in number. With a very effective escrow service in pIace, I think aliexpress is a great place to shop. I have never been scammed. Aliepxress recently cancelled one of my orders when they found that that supplier has suspicious motives. It is wise though to buy mainly(or only) from suppliers with positive feedback rate of over 95. Once again thanks for this article. I 8216ve been studying and reviewing aliexpress for the past 4 months, reading both positive and negative feedbacks, chatting with some of my selected or preffered sellers and communications has being great. I ordered for a laptop yeterday and my order is yet to be shipped with effective communication with my client. Thanks for the review Great article, you can8217t imagine how helpful it is to me right now. I am looking to do business with a company on Alibaba to manufacture a piece of jewelry. I8217m nervous about the quality as I would like it to be a bit more upscale than the pictures of their products reflect. Can I tell them the materials I want them to use if you are serious about manufacturing your jewellery in China, head to Chinaimportal. You can start from this article: chinaimportalblogimport-jewellery-from-china-in-5-steps Thanks for the article. I8217m a young professional that is looking to practice my entrepreneurial skills rather than spend my life working at the corporate ladder. Presently I and researching and investigation all options and elements of the trade. It appears that AlibabaAliExpress are the most prominent. Can you please suggest any other sites that perform a similar function I understand that these will likely be less reputable however despite that, significant opportunity can arise. Another thing, an earlier post was made suggesting the following article for information on this business model. Are you familiar with similar pieces or have you written your own Thank you in advance. I deleted the link because 1. I think that the owner of the e-book requires you to optin to his newsletter in order to get the e-book link so you can8217t publish it (it goes against his copyright) 2. That e-book is totally useless cause all he does it8217s to tell you to open a website, list some incoterms and general stuff about shipping and then post photos of people that became rich importing from China using its empty system. Sure, and I8217m Santa Clause. ) Here you find the best resources to import from China (check the 3 websites at the end): saporedicinaenglishdoing-business-with-china p. s. just saw the link you refer at on an earlier post. I8217m going to delete it too. Alfred Swan says ALIBABA ALIEXPRESS THE WORLDS LARGEST CRIMINAL ORGANISATION Hats off to JACK YUN MA the founder of AlibabaAliexpress these two companies form the PROTECTION SHIELD which allows sellers all over the world to scam anyone and everyone who buys products from their websites, with no one able to anything about it at all. 1. If you have a problem with an item you bought you can email the seller, BUT there is no guarantee that the seller will email back and if you are lucky enough to get a reply back he will not help you. (nothing you can do) 2. You can try to contact Customer Service, but you are most likely to get through to a robot chat system. Sometimes on (Alibaba ONLY) you might be lucky and get a live chat with a Human BUT of course this will not resolve anything at all they will just take you round and round in small circles and you will get nowhere.(nothing you can do) 3. There are ABSOLUTELY NO EMAIL addresses for any of these companies, so this method of contact is out the window. (nothing you can do) 4. You CAN NOT report a problem to the Police as they do not want to know 5. You CAN NOT get your government to look into it because they can not do anything because china has different laws 6. It is most unlikely that you would find a Solicitor who would be willing to take on a case of this type and if you did there are suggestions on the internet that Solicitors fees for such a case would be well over 2000.00 7. If youre purchase was on Aliexpress and you get a HUMAN customer service rep on Alibaba as soon as you give them your order number or mention Aliexpress they will pass you over to Aliexpress customer service quicker that yu are able to blink and yes youve guessed nothing will be done. The website should be renamed to Alibaba and the on-line thieves The only safe advice regarding these companies is STAY WELL AWAY DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FORM ANY OF THESE WEBSITES Me Jayanth from bangaore - karnataka - india. i recently started business with under authenticated certification norms. i have seen few post that comparing bw alibaba and aliexpress. can any one from bangalore suggest me, like if i order X product paying Y price from online ( alibaba or aliexpress) how hurdle free it will reach me 8230 i mean again i need to pay additional amount for taxation, courier, warehouse etc. for example in India how we order XYZ product from amazon and in span of 3 or 4 days the delivery will be given at door step without paying any extra amount. like wise it is. or any stipulated regulation i need to follow. please if any one guide me with flow chart that highly appreciated. one again thanks to you allow me to comment.. Alfred Swan says I purchased a Tablet PC from a supplier on Aliexpress, the Tablet stopped working 8 days after I received it, I had clicked the confirm receipt button on Aliexpress as I had received the item, and because of this I was told by Aliexpress Customer Services that nothing could be done regarding this faulty Tablet as I had accepted the item by clicking the confirm receipt button, I feel this is utterly deplorable, the Consumer Laws state that any defective goods should be Replaced, Repaired or a Refund issued. Neither the seller nor Aliexpress did any of these. I then emailed the seller day after day for over 3 months and there was no way I could get him to issue a refund he even stopped responding to my emails, I also emailed Aliexpress Customer Services they were just not at all interested in my problem. I finally got in touch with My Credit Card Company and they proceeded to do a Chargeback and after about 6 weeks the seller accepted liability and made the refund. The point is it should never have taken as long as it did to resolve this matter the seller should have given the refund as soon as I informed him the item was faulty, also Aliexpress Customer Services should have taken more interest than they did in the matter or Aliexpress should have issued the refund and claimed reimbursement from the seller but they did not. There is no positive way to communicate with Aliexpress Customer Services there are No email addresses, No telephone numbers even the online chat system is covered by Robots so it is near impossible to take to a Human. There are many people who have had a similar experience to the one I had with the Tablet and they have not been able to resolve their problems at all. Alibaba is actually the Head Office for Aliexpress therefore it should be possible to escalate a problem like this to their Head Office for investigation but there is no way to do this because they will not get involved in any matter regarding Aliexpress. Aliexpress needs to take a good look at the way their company is run and make huge changes before I will buy anything else from any of their suppliers. How much did you pay for it This is a website that you purchase items from when you want a highly discounted rate. You get what you pay for. You clicked the button, expressing to your seller that you have received your item and that you are happy with it. That is what it means when you click the button. You need to know how a website operates before you just start throwing money around like that. Why is it the sellers fault that you are too incompetent to read the rules They would have replaced or refunded your item if hadn8217t clicked the button and told them that you were happy with it. Maybe it was defective, maybe it wasn8217t. You can8217t really prove that after 8 days of using it. Maybe you broke it Who really knows. It8217s really sad that you freaked out on this Company for what i8217m sure was less than 100. Especially when you expressed that all was well with your order. This probably isn8217t a website you should be operating on, seeing as you don8217t know how to use it properly. All products on AliExpress have the Returns amp Refund guarantee. Any product bought through the site is protected if the items you received are not as described. The following situations are not included: 1. An item you claim is not as described, but the seller can prove that it is 2. Items are as described, but you no longer want them (unless the seller offers Easy Returns) You are 2. You no longer want this item, because you most likely broke it. Again, you get what you pay for. Stop being so cheap. Alfred Swan says I have purchased quite a lot of goods from Aliexpress and most of it was crap quality, and I am aware of how to use this site. I did click the confirm button but that was to confirm I had received the item ONLY. Also at that moment in time the item WAS in satisfactory condition but who could possibly foresee that A BRAND NEW Tablet PC would cease working after only 8 days I was certainly not expecting this to happen. The Tablet PC was later taken to a local electronics store for repair where the engineer found that most of the PCB board was held together with masking tape, the engineer stated that it had been very badly put together. In other words BOTCHED UP. Regardless of how much I paid for the Tablet It is a well known fact that all NEW items are covered on some sort of warranty therefore items purchased on Aliexpress should also be covered with warranty Steve Nichols says Thank you for this informative read, it was very helpful. I would like to add that Aliexpress does allow comments, but does not allow updated comments, so like me, when you get a bad batch of products failing after a few weeks, you can8217t comment again how bad those products were. It8217s not a fair system as far as I can see and very misleading. Hey thanks for the article. I have a small business and would like to order through aliexpress. I just need to know which is the best mode of payment you would recommend Western Union or credit cards Brenda Colmenares says I8217m kind of confused about how AliExpress markets itself now. Almost anyone can order 1 product at AliExpress so using AliExpress to purchase goods for resell purposes will not be ideal in the future. AliExpress now is more like an online shopping mall and the supplier under it are the retailers. Soon as AliExpress becomes known to people this way, the individual buyers, who have no intention of buying in bigger quantities and just wants to avail of the good price, will just go and search the items directly there. Being able to buy 1 product is good to check the item without spending too much, but on the other hand. A buyer with no intentions to buy more items for resell purposes can also take advantage of this concept. That is just my take. Aliexpress is B2C, like Amazon or eBay. To buy as a wholesalers, you can head to Alibaba Hey8230 i want to start a small bussiness of memory cards8230in Bangladesh. Do i need any license to do so8230.Plz hel Thanks for your great post. I am creating a system for people to import any products at the wholesale price without worrying the MOQ. I am wondering if you can provide me some feedback. Thanks in advance. People who import products on Alibaba usually feel difficult to meet the Minimum Order Quantities (MOQs) set by Alibaba sellers. I create a browser extension What-are-Worth-to-Buy (wawtb, chrome. googlewebstoredetailwhat-are-worth-to-buydjppflkjdaembjhpobkmfoahadocnokk ) and a website wawtb to solve this problem. The browser extension wawtb enables importers to claim how many piece of products they need. Multiple importers may claim the same product and we call them the products candidates. When the total number of claims made by the candidates exceeds the products MOQ, wawtb notifies each candidate to order the product on wawtb. wawtb is a group buying site. It aggregates the orders of each candidate and parchases on Alibaba. Later, wawtb dispatches the received products to each candidate. Ndem Godlove says Thanks for your comment sir But despite the fact that this guys give different shipping methods I just which to know how this goods come right to my door steps. Who handles it along the way and all the like I ordered a pair of sun glasses from a supplier and the payment was done by visa card. The delivery address is San Pedro Ivory Coast West Africa. What i want to know will be supplier be able to dleiver the items and if in case it is not delivered what will happen to the amount which is paid to the supplier. Please could you give me some information on this. B2B buyers in North America must become aware of this fraud perpetrated by organised crime in Asia. Ask the Fraud Unit in any large police service in North America about how many such reports they have taken: Even two companies that have long dealt with each other have fallen prey to this. The Chinese seller8217s email gets 8220hacked8221 and the fraudsters intercept email back and forth between buyer and seller, often setting up domain names on Internet similar to each so that email addresses can be created that at first glance appear to come from each company. This goes on for weeks or months as the deal comes to fruition. Then one day the buyer in N. America receives an email from their 8220seller8221 explaining about how a bank audit or some such BS has forced them set up a new bank account to transfer often huge amounts of money into. This account is, of course, set up by organised crime by someone using fake ID. Eventually, buyer and seller end up accusing each other of fraud. The moral of the story is PERFORM YOUR DUE DILIGENCE. If you receive new banking information from an existing seller (or even a new one) then take the time to confirm 8211 not by email 8211 but by phone or fax. And always scrutinise the email address of the seller to make sure it is identical to the one you8217ve used long ago. Fraudsters are everywhere, not only in Asia. As you said, perform your due diligence, alwaysPrimary Menu 10 Tips On Importing Wholesale Products From China Using Alibaba Or GlobalSources Steve C Click here to learn how to start your own online store Recently Josh started importing goods from Asia for the very first time and wanted to share his experiences with my readers. Now in my class. I have an entire module dedicated specifically towards helping students import goods from overseas. However, it8217s one thing to learn and another thing to actually go out and do it. And Josh8217s experiences just go to show that the best way to learn is to be aware of the guidelines, know what to expect and just take action A quick disclaimer: Josh had never done this before prior to joining my class and he was a bit intimidated early on by the process. But after going through it once, he realized that it wasn8217t that bad. As Steve mentioned above, I recently completed the sample sourcing process and wanted to share some tips and mistakes I made along the way. Enjoy and please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Tip 1: Never Assume Anything When it comes to communicating with your vendors, you should never make any assumptions about product availability. On multiple occasions I had vendors try to sell me products that were not displayed on their website. In contrast, I also requested samples of products that were displayed online but no longer available from the vendor. Often times, a vendor8217s website is not up to date and some vendors are better than others at maintaining their online offerings. I even had one instance where after paying for samples the vendor came back and informed me that 6 of the 9 samples ordered had been discontinued. Moral of the story Dont assume something is or isnt available. Make sure to ask and confirm prior to ordering and especially paying for any samples. Tips on questions to ask: Are there any new products or designs that are not currently displayed online Are there any products displayed online that were discontinued or no longer available Tip 2: Don8217t Be Intimidated By Your Vendors Most vendors that I dealt with responded in a quick and friendly manner, which reinforced the importance of relationship building. While in a few instances vendors seemed a little cold, most vendors were very eager to engage in conversation, answer questions and discuss samples. For the most part, their written English skills were pretty darn good . Their ability to both send and receive emails exceeded my expectations. Also, make sure to be complimentary without overdoing it. For example: I was looking at your catalogue and noticed you have some very nice products Moral of the story Vendors are real people just like you and me. Dont be afraid to jump in and start a conversation. Tip: All the talk these days is about Alibaba. but I actually had better luck with Global Sources. Make sure to give both websites a shot. Tip 3: Trust Your Gut Some vendors are almost too friendly. This is probably due to the cultural differences that exist but when I say too friendly I mean 2-3 emails a day, asking if you want to look at or buy something after youve explicitly declined or said no 3-4 times. Editor8217s note: I never use my main email address for Alibaba correspondence to avoid getting spammed by vendors. While Im sure most of these folks have good intentions, this behavior definitely raised a red flag due to the used car sales pitch (no offense to any used car salespeople) Moral of the story Trust your instincts. Give people the benefit of the doubt but go with your gut. Tip: If youre trying to source leather bags and the vendor is trying for the 4th time in 5 days to sell you cat beds, time to hit the spam button. Tip 4: Be As Specific As Possible Tailor your vendor inquiries for specific product categories. This might sound obvious but its important to be very specific from the start about what you are looking to buy including types of products, materials, size, color, etc. As an example, I was searching for a variety of bags including leather bags. When I sent an initial email to one vendor who specialized in leather, I accidentally included photos of non-leather bags which caused some confusion. I would also advise using an email template (I used the one provided in Steves course ) but make sure to customize 10 of it to each vendor. If you want something made of polyester, specifically state in your email that you are looking for a polyester widget. Otherwise, like me you might receive a different and most likely cheaper product or material than you intended. Moral of the story Dont assume anything regarding product details. Tip: Be very specific and ask the vendor to confirm product specifications before both production and shipping. Tip 5: You May Not Get What You Expect The ole saying, what you see is what you get doesnt necessarily hold true for Alibaba and Global Sources. Despite doing everything suggested above, there were a couple occasions where the samples I received were not the samples I ordered. When I confronted the vendor as to why the products were different than what I ordered, the typical response was something along the lines of: that product was discontinued or we only had this one other product ready for shipmentblah, blah, blah Moral of the story You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Dont be afraid to hold a vendor accountable. Some might disagree on this one but my thoughts are if they cant get a simple sample order correct, the likelihood of screwing up a bulk order is probably be higher. Tip: Confirm the sample order prior to shipment and request photos of the samples to ensure they are accurate. Tip 6: Most Vendors Expect Wire Transfers Payments Most vendors will allow you to pay via PayPal. Some have PayPal but will not tell you unless you ask so make sure to ask. In fact, with most vendors, I used wording along the lines of: Our company policy states that first time samples purchases be made using PayPal. While most vendors will accept purchases through PayPal, they definitely prefer and will default to TT (wire transfer) or Western Union. I paid via Western Union for one vendor and didnt have any problems. I found it to be just as easy as PayPal but with Western Union you have no recourse to get your money back. Once the money is gone, its gone. Moral of the story Pay for most samples using PayPal but dont be afraid to pay via wire transfer or Western Union. Its not the end of the world. Tip: I would recommend paying via wire transfer (TT) with one vendor just for the practice. If it makes you feel better, choose a vendor who you will be paying a smaller amount of money to for samples. Although just a suggestion, doing this will help to familiarize you with all the routing and logistics related to international wire transfers. If you decide to pay via wire transfer, make sure and confirm that you have the exact wire information including beneficiary information, address, swift code and account number. This point cant be emphasized enough. I learned the hard way with one vendor and it cost me 75 in wire fees. If one character is incorrect, then the Bank of China might relegate your funds to the Chinese banking void for an unspecified period of time. Plus, youll have to pay additional fees to your bank to either recall or amend the wire. Tip 7: Always Obtain Samples Samples are an investment. Pharmaceutical companies are notorious for spending millions of dollars on R038D every year. Most drugs will not make it through clinical trials and some will not receive FDA approval, but the few that do make it past all the hurdles will make the investment worth it. While purchasing samples can seem daunting, make sure to keep things in perspective. Compared to an initial investment for a Subway or UPS Store franchise, the riskreward ratio is much higher for online stores, not to mention the difference in lifestyle. Moral of the story Dont be afraid to spend money on samples. You have to know what youre selling before you can sell it and youll learn a lot in the process. Be judicious depending on your budget, but dont hold back for fear of failure. Tip: Ask vendors what their top 5 products are in terms of sales. Take your time to find the products you like the most because more than likely there will be more products youll want to see in person than youre willing to pay for. Pick the very best ones based on the photos, product descriptions and vendor recommendations. Tip 8: Act Bigger Than You Are In your emails to vendors, use the word 8220we8221 instead of 8220I8221 and 8220our8221 instead of 8220my8221. Steve emphasizes this several times in his course. Not only does this make your company seem larger than it is but it also displays a sense of teamwork and unity. Moral of the story Project confidence. Tip: Here is an actual email I sent to a vendor after receiving samples. Notice the use of the word we and our. We wanted to confirm that we received the samples today. Over the next couple of months we are going to be meeting with many of our customers to discuss your products and potential plans to move forward with larger purchases. We will certainly keep you updated on our plans. We did have a few questions in the meantime: 1) Do you provide OEM service (logo) 2) Can you manufacture according to specific size and color requirements (For example if we wanted to purchase 5 different products, each with 3 colors and 2 sizes.) 3) What are the minimum order quantities and lead times for bulk orders 4) How do you deal with product quality issues For product YD0354, the zippers were very difficult to fasten and ended up breaking in one instance. For most products, we prefer one piece (like YD0316) instead of two pieces to make the assembly process as easy as possible for our customers. Tip 9: Know The Difference Between Manufacturers Vs Trading Companies In general, its pretty easy to tell if a supplier is a manufacturer or a trading company (wholesalerretailer). I did however notice some very distinct trends between the manufacturers and trading companies. As a general rule of thumb, the ones that say ImportExport Co are more than likely not manufacturers even if their company profile states manufacturer. Along with the obvious things such as price and MOQ differences, trading companies definitely had more of a pushy sales approach while the manufacturers seemed more eager to build a relationship. In the beginning however, it might behoove you to buy from the trading companies because they will offer lower minimum order quantities (MOQ). Just know that the FOB prices (price per unit) will be higher with the trading companies and there is a greater chance for complications such as running out of inventory (if theyre not creating the product then they have less control over the amount of inventory thats in stock) Moral of the story Know who youre dealing with in terms of the type of supplier and the pros and cons of working with a manufacturer vs. a trading company. Tip: In some cases I politely asked certain vendors what percentage of their business was manufacturing vs. wholesale. Most reps were more than happy to share that information. Tip 10: Be Prepared When Shipping Goods To Your Home Country Oh the joys of international air freight Most vendors will setup the shipping for you and all you have to do is provide your shipping address and phone number for confirmation. Just know ahead of time that its going to cost you and arm and a leg and that the cost of shipping might in fact be more than the cost of the actual samples. Also, its a good idea to confirm shipping costs before paying for the samples. Some vendors will lump the two costs together while others will separate them out and surprise you at the last second. Moral of the story Shipping samples is expensive. If this depresses you, remember that samples (including shipping) are an investment Tip Don8217t wait until the last second to setup shipping accounts. As a rule of thumb, before you contact any suppliers, have your shipping accounts setup with UPS, FedEx and possibly DHL. UPS and FedEx can be done online. DHL is a more involved process (felt like I was applying for a mortgage) that involves a phone call and you providing them documentation such as recent bills, invoices, etc. Its a pain but necessary per DHL to prevent fraud and ensure accurate controls over shipping. Note: Are you unsure which shipping method to use and how much it will cost Do you want a good estimate of your real landed cost of goods Click here to use my free import calculator Conclusion Because it was my first time importing goods from Asia, I made a few mistakes but I learned a lot in the process. Here are some questions I would ask yourself after youve received the samples: Which vendors did you enjoy working with the most Which vendors were the most flexible and accommodating Which vendors wrote andor spoke the best English Which vendors shipped the samples in a timely fashion Which vendors shipped samples that were packaged nicely Which vendors were the most accurate and paid the most attention to detail In the end, your experience will be different than mine, but I hope that the tips above can help you along your journey. Ready To Get Serious About Starting An Online Business If you are really considering starting your own online business, then you have to check out my free mini course on How To Create A Niche Online Store In 5 Easy Steps . In this 6 day mini course, I reveal the steps that my wife and I took to earn 100 thousand dollars in the span of just a year. Best of all, its absolutely free Success Now check your email to confirm your subscription. Hello, Thank you for this amazing post I am wondering about the taxes once the products get to my country. How should I deal with that Would apreciate ur help Josh 8211 thanks for the great article. I have contacted and received samples from four different companies, for two types of items I hope to sell. Your comments about learning the difference between a manufacturer and a wholesaler is right on target. On my first try on the first product, I ended up ordering samples from a mfr. amp wholesaler, not realizing one of them was in fact a wholesaler. And to top it off 8211 they actually purchased their product from the mfr. that I ordered from Certainly a lesson learned. And yes, it is a shock when the air shipping cost is so high. But overall, it is a learning experience and I actually hope to go to China in the future and meet some of these folks. Thank you Josh for the great article for us all. If you have any infomation on the taxes when the products arrived, please keep me posted. And how do you receive the products in such ways Since you have to pay for samples, how do you know the quality of the samples will be comparable to the items in your first order from the supplier Do you have a way of returning the shipment at the suppliers expense if the quality is not up to your standards or do you just request a refund from Paypal The answer is that you won8217t know for sure. This is why I always gradually increase my order size over time. If you want to be extra careful, you can hire a 3rd party inspection company. Returns are highly unlikely. Not only does it cost too much money to ship back to Asia but a lot of vendors won8217t take returns. I suppose you could file a chargeback but no guarantees that you8217d win. China market is a world number 1 largest market in the world. Many Indian visit to China for importing products from China to India. I have ordered the product from China and they had provide a good service and delivery was on time. Im really having hard time on what to import from. china and sell it here in the philippines, hope you have an idea. I am tiger from yiwu of China, I am doing international trading business to help foreigner friends import from China, any one who need help, don8217t hesitate to contact with us. tigerliu425gmail I INTERESTED TO START A BUSINESS PLEASE GIVE A GUIDE LINE TO ME8230 This is a great bit of information and very very valuable for me. I have been trawling through Alibaba and sending off various requests for costings and product availability to a number of suppliers8230.its hard work but hopefully will be worth it. I have recently had one supplier send me a quite and advised me of Paypal charges. Whilst it was good that the supplier was the first to suggest the use of Paypal for the payment (as I had not asked that question yet) the supplier did include Paypal charges in the quote. I had asked for two quotes, the second of a larger quantity. The Paypal charge increased with each increased costing. My question is, is it normal to be expected to pay a Paypal change to the supplier I was surprised as it was my understanding that only either the buyer or the seller are charged and that not both should pay a fee. Does this sound correctnormal to you8230or is my instinct right that this is not correct Many thanks again for your words of wisdom. I played around with buying samples and was almost about to go for the plunge and by pass this by just placing a bulk order8230.Im so, so glad I came across your blog8230as you are right, best to get samples (for a number of reasons not just to check the quality of the goods but also to trial the suppliers service, accuracy etc) which will in the end be a great investment. Cant thank you enough for sharing your experiences with us all here. Vivian Cooper says: Hi , I am just starting the process of ordering goods in the Philippines. Still researching on what I should do. I am new to starting a business and ordering products overseas. I have family in the Philippines, would it be better for my family to purchase the productssamples and then send it to me here in the States, or should I let the suppliermanufacturer do that. Which would be more efficient and also what would save me money Thanks, V - Thanks for this article. I8217d like to share my limited experience if I may. I once purchased some sample watches and walkie-talkies in hindsight it was probably from a wholesaler rather than manufacturer. Even then I believe some manufacturers use their own vendors to sell samples on their behalf. In both instances I insisted on PayPal and yes they did ask for 3-4 extra to cover the fees. I had them sent to me through FedEx. If you8217re just starting out like me, believe me when I say they definitely have better rates than you in regards to courier charges so there was really no point in insisting that I pay through my account. On the watches, I receive only 2 out of the 3 samples I ordered. They weren8217t expensive and I doubt that FedEx employees would scam me on those. But from the FedEx tracking, I realised that the vendor used a logistics company to send their products in HK to FedEx, and this is where the theft probably occured. There was no point pursuing any legal action over a cost so small so I just let it be. On the walkie talkies, I had to Ensure that they sent me with the correct voltage, and frequency marking on the package because otherwise it might be withheld in customs indefinitely. What I mean is that you have to watch out for any legal requirements on importing something into your country to prevent seizure or delay. On the PayPal payment, I realise that the account name actually belonged to an unknown individual. I didn8217t really bother because it was a small amount but obviously you would want to check that the account name matches the company you are dealing. I think probably Alibaba escrow would be good. It is also good if the vendor can give you documentation such as ISO, export license with their name on it. They should be current. Thanks for reading.


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